Our last blog entry talked about guest book ideas, so now that you’ve decided which direction you want to go, here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Recruit a friend to help out on the wedding day: It is important that everyone knows what to do with your guest book, especially if it’s not the standard guest book with an attached writing pen. Tell your friend what your guests need to know, whether it’s to take a picture and sign next to it in a book, or write a wish for the happy couple and hang it on the tree. Your friend needs to be clear of the exact instructions and will want to inform everyone as they walk into your wedding. Remember, this is your guests first impression of your wedding day!
Set an example: People tend to follow the leader, so if you have a few people sign your guest book or write a wish and hang it on the tree before the wedding starts, then others will tend to know what to do and follow in their steps. You could ask a few members of your bridal party to do this at the rehearsal.
Create a Guest Book Station: Style your guest book table according to your wedding day theme. Grab people’s attention with photos of you as a couple, engagement photos, photos of your parents on their wedding day, photos of your pets, etc. Or hang a banner on the table that says “Welcome.”
Be clear and precise: If you don't have someone greeting guests as they arrive, then create signs telling your guests exactly what to do for your guest book. Get creative with the signs by incorporating your theme. Frame the signs with a neat and decorative frame and make sure the font is large enough for your guests to read.
Leave enough pens and supplies: Enough said! Don’t forget pens at your guest book station. I have seen it happen over and over again. Have some fun buying pens that match your theme or your wedding colors. And don’t forget that you may need special pens for certain materials (a surfboard needs a permanent pen). Or you may need extra supplies for your polaroid camera (batteries, film, etc).
Make sure everyone signs your guest book: Have your DJ and wedding coordinator make announcements and inform your guests about your guest book and the location of it, so you can make sure to get all of those signatures and well wishes.
Location, Location, Location: Make sure to place your guest book in a location that is easy for your guests to find. What’s the point of having a guest book if no one signs it? Believe it or not, there are many times that guests won’t see the guest book, so make sure to place it in a location that is very noticeable for your guests. I usually recommend to place it at the entrance to your ceremony…usually the location where they drop off gifts.
It takes time: The guest book does take time for guests to fill out. Make sure the location for the guest book isn’t in a location that will block a walkway. And make sure to have your wedding planner move the guest book after the ceremony since not everyone will have a chance to sign it beforehand.
Enough room on Guest Book: Make sure to leave enough room for all of your guests to sign your guest book. There is nothing worse than someone not being able to sign because there wasn’t enough room. This is especially important if you use one of our guest book ideas, like the record or the surfboard…you could easily run out of room. A great tip to help save space would be to use a fine tip pen.
Most important tip: HAVE FUN! Whichever guest book idea you chose, make it be one that you can come back to on your anniversary each year to remember your special day! I personally love mine from my wedding day. A box where everyone wrote their wishes for my husband and I. We even wrote a wish to each other and placed it in the box during the ceremony. Each year on our anniversary, we open a new wish from our guests.

Thank you Pam Scott Photo for the picture from Pamela and Peter's Wedding.